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Supporting Development

Pluto operates entirely for free, but running and maintaining it involves costs and significant time investment.
If you enjoy using Pluto or wish to support its development, consider donating to my Patreon.

My vision for Pluto is to create the ultimate and premiere sports betting app on Discord, capturing the full essence of professional sports betting and integrating highly requested features from traditional bookmakers.

For a detailed rundown of future plans and current features, visit my Patreon page.

Here’s a brief overview of enhancements and features I aim to implement:

Betting Choices

  • Parlays: Combine multiple bets for greater payouts.
  • Stat Lines: Bet on player and game statistics.


  • Advanced Betting Stats: Dive deeper into betting analytics.
  • Expanded Leaderboards: See how you stack up against other bettors.


  • In-App Rewards: Exclusive roles and Discord Nitro for active participation & top of leaderboard awards.