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About Pluto

Pluto is a full-fledged betting app that creates a competitive sports betting environment Currently deployed over Discord, Pluto provides users with the ability to engage in sports betting in real-time & with real odds from the top sports bookmakers.


Channel Management

Pluto manages channel creation, and deletion for matches. On channel creation, a game detail embed is posted featuring a beautiful graphic of the match opponents, and information such as team records and odds.

Discord Game Channel Embed

Tier System

Pluto features a progression system via ‘tiers’. All users start at the Bronze tier, and the highest achievable tier is Diamond. When bet results are processed, users receive experience points. Tiers are gained via levels, and levels require a certain amount of experience points.

Here’s a breakdown of the tiers and the levels they require

Tier Level Range
Bronze 0 - 14
Silver 15 - 29
Gold 30 - 39
Emerald 40 - 74
Diamond 75 - 100

Real-Time Odds

Odds are updated in real-time and reflect directly from real sports bookmakers. This provides an identical experience to live sports betting.

Real-Time Bet Resolution

Shortly after matches end, bets are resolved and payouts are distributed. Users will receive notifications via Direct Message (DM) of their bet result

Additional Information

Pluto is created by fearandesire (on GitHub) / fenixforever (on Discord)

It is exclusively available in the Sports Network servers NBA Chat and NFL Chat.

To use Pluto, join NBA Chat or NFL Chat

Source Code